We all have a responsibility to report doping in sport and help keep it clean. A 24-hour dedicated phone line, hosted by Crimestoppers, is ready to take your call if you have any suspicions or concerns about incidences of doping in sport. You can provide information in complete confidence by calling 08000 32 23 32 or via a secure website. All information is passed securely to UKAD’s intelligence unit for investigation.
29/12/2023: BTC communication to all members (organisations, clubs, instructors/coaches, participants/competitors and parents/carers) of the updates, in line with the WADA / UKAD Code 2021, regarding anti-doping rules and Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs).
BTC's responsibilities as the NGB for Taekwondo in the UK include compliance with the UK Anti-Doping Framework. BTC members, ie Instructors, Coaches, Athletes and Athlete Support Personnel (ASPs) identified in the BTC Clean Sport Education Strategy must undertake Clean Sport eLearning as detailed in the BTC Clean Sport Education Implementation Plan.
100% me Elite Athlete Clean Sport App for Smartphones
For essential anti-doping information download the Clean Sport App from iTunes or Google Play – the sport specific or the generic version.
Remember to check all medications on Global DRO, where you can search by ingredients or brand name.
Assess the Risk of Supplements on Informed Sport
You can find information on supplements and ways of reducing the risks on Informed Sport.
Visit UKAD’s website and register to keep up to date with the latest news.
For More Information from UKAD:
Keep up to date with the latest news on www.facebook.com/100percentme.uk or www.facebook.com/ukantidoping