BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 5 of 21 Dec 2023 4. HEALTH AND SAFETY ORGANISATION 4.1. Registered Club Instructor 4.1.1. Has responsibility for all Health and Safety issues within their club(s), including that for training, provision of equipment that is safe for use by students and members of the public, and that people in their clubs are familiar with the first aid arrangements. 4.1.2. Review safe practice, understanding Taekwondo in itself is highly vigorous, specialised and within its curriculum does teach contact and breaking techniques which, although are viewed as safety concerns, are part of the art being taught. It is the duty of the club instructor to ensure the student is prepared for the task being demanded of them. 4.1.3. To record any accidents, potential hazards and dangerous occurrences. 4.1.4. Instructors who may have concerns in any matter related to Health and Safety should discuss this with their organisation, which in turn should take the matter up with the BTC. 4.2. Instructing Teams 4.2.1. Share responsibility for Health and Safety issues within their clubs, including that for training and provision of equipment that is safe for use by students and members of the public, and that people in their clubs are familiar with the first aid arrangements. 4.2.2. Assist in monitoring all aspects of the effectiveness of this policy and its implementation by taking adequate steps, where necessary, to improve, update and make any recommendations to improve upon it. 4.2.3. Ensure that all assistant instructors within their classes are aware of any relevant Health and Safety regulations relevant to them in the execution of their duties. 4.3. Member Organisations 4.3.1. Have overall responsibility for the instructors who manage clubs registered to their organisations. 4.3.2. Must ensure that club instructors within their organisation are adequately trained to carry out their duties and are fully aware of any training and teaching hazards. 4.3.3. Must ensure that instructors are qualified first aiders. 4.3.4. Must ensure that all instructors under their control have in place emergency procedures in the event of fire, bomb or other emergency alerts in their clubs or premises.