BTC Health & Safety Policy

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 19 of 21 Dec 2023 APPENDIX F BRITISH TAEKWONDO COUNCIL ACCIDENT/INCIDENT REPORT FORM This form is to record all Accidents/Incidents or near misses occurring during Taekwondo activities. Please ensure all sections are completed in full and returned (within timescales stated in the Accident/Incident Procedure). Venue: Location of accident: Date of accident: Name of individual(s) who dealt with the accident: Contact details: Name of person involved: Contact details: Nature of accident: Details leading up to the accident: Details of events after the accident: First Aid treatment given: Signed ………………………………………. Print Name …………………………………… (Sports Coach) Signed ………………………………....…… Print Name.…………………………………… (Facility First Aid Staff) Date: ………………………………………….