BTC Health & Safety Policy

BTC Ltd is recognised by UK Sport as the NGB for Tae Kwon Do in the UK Health & Safety Policy Version 6.0

BTC Ltd Health and Safety Policy V5.0 Page 1 of 21 Jan 2020 BRITISH TAEKWONDO COUNCIL Health and Safety Policy Version Author Changes Date Next Review Date 4 Trevor Nicholls April 2019 April 2021 5 Trevor Nicholls Para 6.1.4 updated Jan 2020 Jan 2022 6 Trevor Nicholls Full review: references to school changed to club throughout; 3.8 change in regulations for reportable injuries and employment status; 4 reordering of responsibilities and removing H&S Representatives; 6 change to record-keeping, reporting and insurance claims process; App E change to reporting of major incidents; App G updated Dec 2023 Dec 2026 Section Title Page 1 Statement of Safety Policy 3 2 Club Responsibilities 3 3 Guide for Instructors 4 4 Health and Safety Organisation 5 4.1 Registered Club instructor 5 4.2 Instructing Team 5 4.3 Member Organisations 5 5 Health and Safety Arrangements 6 5.1 Safety Training 6 5.2 Visitor on Site 6 5.3 Visiting Contractor 7 6 First Aid 7 6.1 Introduction 7 6.2 First Aid Personnel 8 6.3 First Aid Boxes and Kits 8 6.4 Accident/Incident Reporting 8 7 Safety in the Martial Art of Taekwondo 9

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 2 of 21 Dec 2023 8 Risk Assessment 9 8.1 What is Risk Assessment? 9 8.2 How to Assess the Risks in Your Club/Institute 9 Appendix A Access to Club/Dojang – Contractors 13 B Risk Assessment - Quick Guide 14 C Risk Assessment Form 15 D New Starter Checklist 16 E Accident/Incident Procedure 17 F Accident/Incident Report Form 19 G Returning to Taekwondo Training After a Head Injury 20

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 3 of 21 Dec 2023 1. STATEMENT OF SAFETY POLICY 1.1. The challenge is to develop and maintain the highest possible level of safety in an area of activity where a high degree of vigorous involvement and practice is demanded. Many factors must be considered in a conscientious effort to assure a safe club environment. Safely prepared students and supervision are achieved by a comprehensive and well-planned teaching programme. All instructors will fully understand and appreciate the implications of Health and Safety within the dojang environment. 1.2. Taekwondo equipment and its activities is, by its’ nature, highly specialised and therefore requires a high level of competent teaching and training. All BTC Member Organisations are to ensure club/association specific activities are monitored and assessed in addition to the National Governing Body statement. Equipment is set up applicable to the needs of the environment and the individual student, and therefore cannot be laid down in a written format. 1.3. The instructor recognises and accepts their responsibility for providing a safe and healthy training environment for all their students and others, including spectators, who come into contact with the club, its activities and operation. Clubs should also recognise the importance of involving all instructors, assistants and students in the implementation of this policy to ensure that they are aware of their individual responsibilities in this process. 2. CLUB RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. The instructor will take all necessary steps within their power to meet this responsibility, paying particular attention to the provision and maintenance of: • Plant, equipment and systems of tuition that are safe • Safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and equipment, including the possibility of substances and certain chemicals • Sufficient information, instruction and training to enable all students to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own safety and health at the club • A safe place of training, and safe access to it • A healthy training environment • Adequate welfare facilities 2.2. Without detracting from the primary responsibility of instructors for ensuring safe conditions of work, the club will provide competent technical advice on safety and health matters where this is necessary to aid assistant instructors in their task. 2.3. A safety policy is likely to be successful only it if actively involves students themselves. The club reminds its’ students of their own duties under Sections 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety at Work Act to take care of their own safety and that of others, and to co-operate with the club so as to enable it to carry out its own responsibilities successfully.

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 4 of 21 Dec 2023 2.4. A copy of this statement will be issued to all instructors. It will be revised, added to or modified from time to time and may be supplemented in appropriate cases by further statements relating to the work of particular units or groups of workers. 2.5. The club will maintain an interest in all matters affecting Health and Safety and through effective and timely communication and continually involve students. 3. GUIDE FOR INSTRUCTORS Your responsibilities as an instructor are: 3.1. To take responsible care for your own health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by your acts or omissions at the club (ie disconnect the faulty electrical appliance before someone gets a shock). 3.2. To co-operate with your members so far as is necessary to enable them to abide by the Act (eg spillage of water, blood, creams, etc, should be cleaned up before someone slips and falls down). 3.3. Not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse any item(s) provided by law in the interest of health, safety or welfare (eg keep fire exits and ways thereto free from obstruction). Do not misuse or damage fire extinguishers. 3.4. Use all systems of protection provided. 3.5. Immediately record and report as required any incident that has led or may have led to injury or damage. 3.6. Smoking is prohibited within club, training and competition areas. 3.7. Please be aware that the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 ( ) places responsibility for health and safety on individuals. Be aware that you as the club instructor can be prosecuted as an individual for any breach of this Act. This does not diminish the responsibility of the facility owner, who can also be prosecuted. 3.8. Other Acts and Regulations in force which could involve a club instructor, of which you should make yourself aware, are: • Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963 ( ) • The Factories Act 1961 ( ) • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) 1988 ( ) • Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 ( ) • Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 ( ) (NB: changes to reportable injuries and employment status) • Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 ( ) • Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 ( ) • Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1992 ( )

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 5 of 21 Dec 2023 4. HEALTH AND SAFETY ORGANISATION 4.1. Registered Club Instructor 4.1.1. Has responsibility for all Health and Safety issues within their club(s), including that for training, provision of equipment that is safe for use by students and members of the public, and that people in their clubs are familiar with the first aid arrangements. 4.1.2. Review safe practice, understanding Taekwondo in itself is highly vigorous, specialised and within its curriculum does teach contact and breaking techniques which, although are viewed as safety concerns, are part of the art being taught. It is the duty of the club instructor to ensure the student is prepared for the task being demanded of them. 4.1.3. To record any accidents, potential hazards and dangerous occurrences. 4.1.4. Instructors who may have concerns in any matter related to Health and Safety should discuss this with their organisation, which in turn should take the matter up with the BTC. 4.2. Instructing Teams 4.2.1. Share responsibility for Health and Safety issues within their clubs, including that for training and provision of equipment that is safe for use by students and members of the public, and that people in their clubs are familiar with the first aid arrangements. 4.2.2. Assist in monitoring all aspects of the effectiveness of this policy and its implementation by taking adequate steps, where necessary, to improve, update and make any recommendations to improve upon it. 4.2.3. Ensure that all assistant instructors within their classes are aware of any relevant Health and Safety regulations relevant to them in the execution of their duties. 4.3. Member Organisations 4.3.1. Have overall responsibility for the instructors who manage clubs registered to their organisations. 4.3.2. Must ensure that club instructors within their organisation are adequately trained to carry out their duties and are fully aware of any training and teaching hazards. 4.3.3. Must ensure that instructors are qualified first aiders. 4.3.4. Must ensure that all instructors under their control have in place emergency procedures in the event of fire, bomb or other emergency alerts in their clubs or premises.

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 6 of 21 Dec 2023 4.3.5. Must ensure that all training and safety equipment used at organisation events is regularly checked and replenished. 5. HEALTH AND SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS 5.1. Safety Training 5.1.1. Periodically, and in line with the club’s BTC Member Organisation’s training procedures, instructors will receive training on various Health and Safety related topics. This form of training will be either external or inhouse and will be co-ordinated by each Member Organisation. 5.1.2. Such arrangements will be made where it is in the interest of that individual and/or the club. Set out below is a brief schedule of the topics that instructors would expect to receive training on: • Health and Safety (this course) • First Aid course delivered by a specialist training provider for nominated staff, certificate valid for 3 years with annual refresher training • Emergency evacuation and fire safety training (owned or leased premises) • Training in procedures and regulations particularly relevant in the undertaking of our activity, eg safeguarding 5.2. Visitors on Site 5.2.1. If a club has within its operating area contractors operating permanently or in a visiting capacity in order to undertake a range of services, eg: • Catering • Demonstration Team • Bars • Physiotherapist • Grading Examiners • Building/Structural • Electrical/Mechanical • Shop Sales these individuals should work to the same national Health and Safety standards. 5.2.2. Clubs should ensure that visitors are aware of all Health and Safety regulations which are relevant to them in the execution of their business and they should be given a copy of our Health and Safety Policy document to aid and complement their own Health and Safety awareness.

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 7 of 21 Dec 2023 5.3. Visiting Contractors 5.3.1. All visiting contractors to the club/academy/institute to undertake any works should complete a form (Appendix A), the original copy of which should be given to the contractor and the club instructor retains the duplicate. 5.3.2. It is advisable that full time academies should have clearly defined Normal Operating Procedures and Emergency Action Plans. These would include arrangements for the following: • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 (RIDDOR) (check changes to reportable injuries and employment status) • Fire Precautions and Prevention • Fire and Emergency Procedures • Bomb Alert Procedure • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1988 (COSHH) • The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 • Workplace (Health and Welfare) Regulations 1992 ( ) 6. FIRST AID 6.1. Introduction 6.1.1. The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 ( ) were made under the Health and Safety at Work, etc, Act 1974. The regulations specify all the requirements, which must be met in order to provide adequate first aid cover. 6.1.2. The standard of first aid cover for the club is based on the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations L74 (Third edition) published 2013 ( ) 6.1.3. For guidance and to conduct a First Aid needs assessment, visit 6.1.4. The BTC require that, to ensure the safe delivery of Taekwondo in all of the various locations and venues in which clubs operate, BTC Registered Instructors should hold a certificate of attendance to a minimum 3hr First Aid Awareness course certificated by an independent training provider. An Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) qualification is recommended for full-time clubs. The course content should, as a minimum, cover the areas listed in Appendix 6 of The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations L74 (Third edition) published 2013 (

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 8 of 21 Dec 2023 6.2. First Aid Personnel 6.2.1. First Aiders must undertake training and obtain qualifications in line with HSE guidance. At present, first aid certificates are valid for three years. 6.2.2. BTC Member Organisations should have a system in place to monitor that club instructors obtain three year certificates and also refresher training in accordance with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations L74 (Third edition) published 2013. 6.2.3. A record of those staff who have attained the approved qualification should, where possible, be displayed at the club, along with the instructor indemnity, national member association instructor certificate and BTC instructor certificate. This is, in any case, detailed on the BTC webpage confirming accredited BTC Registered Instructors. 6.2.4. In addition to those qualified first aiders, the instructor should undertake to expose as many members as possible to first aid awareness training to ensure effective handling of any accident/injury. 6.3. First Aid Boxes and Kits 6.3.1. Every club should have one or more first aid boxes or other suitable kit. Each box should be placed in a clearly identified and readily accessible location. 6.3.2. All first aiders should have access to first aid equipment, soap and water and disposable drying materials. Where soap and water are unavailable individually wrapped moist cleansing wipes, which are not impregnated with alcohol, may be used. 6.3.3. First aid boxes and kits should contain items suitable for the particular circumstances. For guidance and to conduct a First Aid needs assessment, visit They should not contain any medication of any kind. They should always be adequately stocked. Additional items such as aprons or disposable bags can be placed in the first aid box if there is room (see para 39, p17/39, . 6.3.4. Where tap water is not readily available for eye irrigation, it is now a requirement that at least one litre of sterile water or sterile normal saline (0.9% w/v) in sealed, disposable containers should be provided (see para 40, p17/39, 6.4. Accident/Incident Recording 6.4.1. Any and all accidents and near misses should be recorded within clubs. These records should be regularly assessed to ascertain any common occurrence. These common occurrences must be further risk assessed and the club findings to be fully implemented.

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 9 of 21 Dec 2023 6.4.2. The instructor should complete an incident/accident book immediately after treatment of the casualty. These records should be kept in case of future claims. Instructors will be contacted by the BTC insurers direct in this event. 7. SAFETY IN THE MARTIAL ART OF TAEKWONDO 7.1. Risk assessment is the systematic examination of a task to identify all hazards associated with teaching and training in Taekwondo. Organisations of all descriptions have found this to be a critical activity, not only for the safety and health of students, but also for the safety and health of instructors, clubs and organisations. 7.2. Today’s environment will not tolerate the survival of organisations and clubs which continue to do things simply because that is the way they have always been done. In addition, humanitarian and liability concerns require greater levels of safety for both the student and the instructor. The single most useful tool to meet these objectives is to systematically analyse all the training and teaching methods and to establish appropriate procedures or practices to ensure that it is constantly done in the proper and safe way. 7.3. The objective of risk assessment and health and safety procedures is to assist and apply a systematic approach to teaching and training and the object of this governing body course is to provide you with the knowledge of how to carry this out. 8. RISK ASSESSMENT 8.1. What is Risk Assessment? 8.1.1. A risk assessment is nothing more than a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm. The aim is to make sure no one gets hurt or become ill. Accidents and ill health can ruin lives and affect your club if output is lost, equipment is damaged, insurance costs increase, or you have to go to court. You are legally required to assess the risks in your club/institute. 8.1.2. The important things you need to decide are whether a hazard is significant and whether you have it covered by satisfactory precautions so that the risk is small. You need to check this when you assess the risks. For instance, sparring full contact can kill, however with adequate precaution, equipment and quality instruction, the risk becomes low. 8.2. How to assess the risks in your club/institute 8.2.1. Five steps are recommended:  Step 1 Look for the hazards  Step 2 Decide who might be harmed and how

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 10 of 21 Dec 2023  Step 3 Evaluate the risks and decide whether the existing precautions are adequate or whether more should be done  Step 4 Record your findings  Step 5 Review your assessment and revise it if necessary Do not be over-complicated. In most clubs and institutes the hazards are few and simple. Checking them is common sense but necessary. You will already know whether the exercises you teach could cause harm students, or if there is an awkward entrance or step where someone could be hurt. If so, check that you have taken all reasonable precautions you can to avoid injury. Most instructors both understand and are confident of what is involved and can do the assessment themselves (you don’t have to be a health and safety expert!). If you are a large club or institute, you could ask a responsible senior to act as a safety representative, or a safety officer to help you. If you are not confident, get help from a competent source but remember YOU are responsible for ensuring it is adequately done. Hazard means anything that has the potential to cause harm (eg training bags, holders, students, etc). Risk is the likelihood that the hazard will cause harm. 8.2.2. Step 1: Look for the hazards If you are doing the assessment yourself, walk around your club and look at what could reasonably be expected to cause harm. Ignore the trivial and concentrate on significant hazards which could result in serious harm or affect several people. Ask your assistants and seniors what they think. They may have noticed things that are not immediately obvious. Manufacturers’ instructions or data sheets can also help you spot hazards and put risks in their true perspective, as can accident and ill health records. 8.2.3. Step 2: Decide who might be harmed and how Don’t forget: • Young students, beginners, new mothers, etc may be at particular risk. • Spectators, cleaners, contractors, maintenance workers, etc, who may not be in the club/academy all the time. • Members of the public or people you share your club/academy with if there is a chance they could be hurt by your activities.

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 11 of 21 Dec 2023 8.2.4. Step 3: Evaluate the risks Evaluate the risks and decide whether existing precautions are adequate or more should be done. Consider how likely it is that each hazard could cause harm. This will determine whether you need to do more to reduce the risk. Even after all precautions have been taken, some risk usually remains. What you need to decide for each significant hazard is whether this remaining risk is high, medium or low. First, ask yourself whether you have done all the things the law says you have got to do. For example, there are legal requirements on prevention of access to dangerous parts of machinery. Then ask yourself whether generally accepted industry standards are in place. Don’t stop there – think for yourself, because the law also says that you must do what is reasonably practicable to keep your club safe. Your real aim is to make all risks small by adding to your precautions as necessary. If you find that something needs to be done, draw up an ‘action list’ and give priority to any remaining risks which are high and/or those which could affect most people. In acting, ask yourself: • Can I get rid of a hazard altogether? • If not, how can I control the risks so that harm is unlikely? In controlling risks, apply the following principles in this order: • Try a less risky option • Prevent access to the hazard (eg by guarding) • Organise training to reduce exposure to the hazard • Issue of protective equipment • Provide welfare facilities (eg washing facilities for removal of dirt, splinters etc, and first aid) Improving health and safety need not cost a lot. For instance, enforcing protective sparring equipment for sparring may help prevent accidents, or marking out a sparring area keeping spectators out can further prevent unnecessary injury. Failure to take simple precautions can cost you a lot more if an accident does happen. But what if the training you do tends to vary a lot, or you or your assistants move from one site to another? Identify the hazards you can reasonably expect and assess the risks from them. Then further identify any additional hazards when you get to the club/institute. Gain further information from others on site, and then take what action seems necessary. But what if you share a training hall?

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 12 of 21 Dec 2023 Tell the other instructors, assistants and/or seniors there about any risks your teaching could cause them, and what precautions you are taking. Also think about the risks to your own students from those who share your club. 8.2.5. Step 4: Record your findings After careful assessment of all the activities that you may teach or authorise under your indirect supervision, keep a written record of what has been done and how you have minimised the risk. At this time, of course, we must remember the sport we are involved in does have a natural risk to it. Regularly check your assessments and update as necessary. Suitable and sufficient – not perfect! Risk assessments should be suitable and sufficient; you need to be able to show that: • A proper check was made • You asked who might be affected • You dealt with all the obvious significant hazards, considering the number of people that could be involved. • The precautions are reasonable, and the remaining risks are low. Keep the written record for future reference or use; it can help you if an inspector asks you what precautions you have taken, or if you become involved in any action for civil liability. It can also remind you to keep an eye on hazards and precautions. It helps to show that you have done what the law requires. To make things simpler, you can refer to other documents, such as manuals, the arrangements in your health and safety policy statement, association rules, manufacturers’ instructions, your health and safety procedures and your arrangements for general fire safety. These may already list hazards and precautions. You don’t need to repeat all that, and it is up to you whether you combine all the documents or keep them separately. 8.2.6. Step 5: Review your assessment and revise if necessary Sooner or later you will bring in new equipment, syllabus and procedures that could lead to new hazards. If there is any significant change, add to the assessment to take account of the new hazard. If the change to your teaching syllabus is significant then consider it as a new risk and carry out the risk assessment. All assessments should be reviewed regularly to ensure they are adequate and effective.

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 13 of 21 Dec 2023 APPENDIX A BRITISH TAEKWONDO COUNCIL ACCESS TO CLUB/DOJANG - CONTRACTORS All contractors are asked to note and respect the conditions for working in this building, ensuring the form at the foot of this page is completed at the start and end of the project. • Smoking, food and drink is strictly forbidden in all plant areas. • Access doors to/from plant rooms must remain secured and attended during deliveries. • Tools and equipment must not be left on site without permission. • Appropriate protective clothing must always be worn. • Access is strictly limited to specific/identified areas of work. • No additional works must be undertaken without authorised work orders. • Chemical stocks/containers must not be moved/handled by contractors. • Electrical supply must be isolated from machinery, etc, as appropriate. • Climbing and high-level works must use proper towers and equipment. • Hard hats, goggles, dust or mist masks, gloves, must be used appropriate to the job. • All accidents/ incidents must be reported to the instructor. • Any keys loaned must be returned to the instructors before leaving site. • Access to plant rooms must be accompanied/approved on every visit. • Health and Safety at Work legislation must be adhered to and practised throughout. • COSHH regulations always apply and must not be compromised. • Any chemicals or substances used must be approved and COSHH sheets supplied to the instructor. • The club/academy instructor reserves the right to refuse access and/or request that all works cease should there be any reasonable concerns or breach of regulations. • Contractors must complete the following on each visit/job: CONTRACTOR: WORK DESCRIPTION: DATE: TIME IN: TIME OUT: CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE: TELEPHONE: WORK COMPLETED: SIGNATURE:

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 14 of 21 Dec 2023 APPENDIX B BRITISH TAEKWONDO COUNCIL Risk Assessment - Quick Guide

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 15 of 21 Dec 2023 APPENDIX C BRITISH TAEKWONDO COUNCIL RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Instructor Name: Grade: Club Name: Association: Club Address: Description of Venue: Has a Risk Assessment for this venue/training session been done? Y N If Yes, please attach or reference date and location: If No, complete the Risk Assessment below. Class Description/ Activity (eg Child Beginner/Adult Advanced, Patterns/Sparring) Session Start/End Times No of People Training Venue/Training Related Hazards Risk* Level** Controls Training Hall – Environment, Size, Floor Surface, Lighting, Ventilation Training Hall – Temperature, Fire Exits, Fire Alarms, Fire Drill, First Aid Training Hall – Spectators, Seating, Space, Equipment, Tidy/Untidy Training Hall – Chemicals/Substances, Liquids, Sprays, Solids Training Hall – Toilet, Showers, Changing Facilities Students – Adults, Children, Male/Female, Age, Class, Assistants Students – Ability, Knowledge, Size, Over Eager Students – Disabilities, Medical Needs Equipment – Instructors, Approved, Kick Mitts, Punch Bags, Kick Paddles, Breaking Boards Equipment – Students, Doboks, Kick Mitts, Arm/Shin Guards, Groin Guards, Trunk Protectors, Head Guards, Gum Shields, Shoes Equipment – Breaking Board Stands Accessories – First Aid Kit, Accident Book, Membership & Insurance Log, Register *Risk: Yes (Y) or No (N) **Level: High (H), Medium (M), Low (L)

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 16 of 21 Dec 2023 APPENDIX D BRITISH TAEKWONDO COUNCIL NEW STARTER CHECKLIST 1. HEALTH ASSESSMENT Check any health problems, injuries that may affect training:  Comments: 2. HEALTH AND SAFETY ADVICE Advice of physical fitness required, level of fitness, check suitability:  Comments: 3. HEALTH RISK – TAEKWONDO Martial art that involves a certain amount of physical contact and fitness, very rigid warm-up sessions:  Comments: 4. NEW STARTER PRESENCE Ensure new starter is always visible and monitored. Explain this to them and check they understand:  Comments: 5. ADEQUATE SUPERVISION Explain that a senior grade will observe:  Comments: 6. VIGOROUS ACTIVITY Make sure new starter is aware that they must not attempt anything other than what they are directed to do:  Comments: 7. OTHER  Comments: Note: We confirm that all relevant information has been sought and provided to ensure health and safety in initial training sessions. Failure to disclose pre-existing conditions may invalidate insurance. Signature Print Name Date Student: Parent/Guardian: (if student under 16yrs) Instructor:

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 17 of 21 Dec 2023 APPENDIX E BRITISH TAEKWONDO COUNCIL ACCIDENT/INCIDENT PROCEDURE MINOR ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS Minor Accidents/Incidents are where the person concerned did not require hospital/ secondary treatment or police assistance is not required. 1. Alert the official First Aid provider to the situation (if necessary). 2. Ensure that all other participants are adequately supervised. 3. Attend to the accident/incident. Note: please be aware of good practice in safeguarding and avoid wherever possible being in a one on one situation with a child and under no circumstances offer a child a lift home in your car. 4. Complete the Accident/Incident Report Form (Appendix F) at the scene of the accident/incident ensuring that all sections are filled in. For convenience, BTC provide Registered Instructors with an Accident/Incident Report Log in the Downloads section of the BTC website, 5. Keep the original of the Accident/Incident Report Form at the club for future reference or insurance claims. In the case of a major incident, the Head of the Association should be informed. 6. If the accident/incident involves a child/young person, ensure the parent/carer is advised of the details as soon as possible or at the end of the activity/training session. If relevant, contact the Association and BTC Safeguarding Officers as described in the BTC Safeguarding Policy using the Incident Referral Report Form (Appendix O). MAJOR ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS Major accidents/incidents are where the person concerned required secondary treatment or emergency assistance was required. Major accident/incidents also include any situation that you feel you need assistance with or feel the Head of the Association needs to know about. 1. Alert the official First Aid provider to the situation (if necessary) 2. Ensure that all other participants are adequately supervised (cancel the remainder of the session if necessary) 3. Emergency Services should be alerted by yourself or the facility staff (as required) 4. Complete the Accident/Incident Report Form at the scene of the accident/incident ensuring that all sections are filled in and signed.

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 18 of 21 Dec 2023 5. The original Accident/Incident Report Form must be kept at the club where the incident has taken place for reference or future claims. 6. If the accident/incident involves a child/young person, ensure the parent/carer is advised of the details as soon as possible or at the end of the activity/training session.

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 19 of 21 Dec 2023 APPENDIX F BRITISH TAEKWONDO COUNCIL ACCIDENT/INCIDENT REPORT FORM This form is to record all Accidents/Incidents or near misses occurring during Taekwondo activities. Please ensure all sections are completed in full and returned (within timescales stated in the Accident/Incident Procedure). Venue: Location of accident: Date of accident: Name of individual(s) who dealt with the accident: Contact details: Name of person involved: Contact details: Nature of accident: Details leading up to the accident: Details of events after the accident: First Aid treatment given: Signed ………………………………………. Print Name …………………………………… (Sports Coach) Signed ………………………………....…… Print Name.…………………………………… (Facility First Aid Staff) Date: ………………………………………….

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 20 of 21 Dec 2023 APPENDIX G BRITISH TAEKWONDO COUNCIL Safeguarding – Protecting Children Polices and Procedures Version Author Date Review Date 1 K.Beddows February 2017 February 2020 2 D Sutherill December 2019 December 2022 3 D Sutherill October 2022 October 2025 RETURNING TO TAEKWONDO TRAINING AFTER A HEAD INJURY Anyone who has a head injury during a Taekwondo event needs to immediately stop all activity and not return to play that day. Being active again before the brain returns to normal functioning increases the person's risk of having a more serious brain injury. Every person involved in a Taekwondo event (every instructor, coach, player, parent and trainer) needs to be trained to know the symptoms of a concussion. And all need to know the importance of getting medical help when a student has a head injury. The decision about when a student can safely return to training must be made by a doctor. The doctor decides on a case-by-case basis. Things that help the doctor decide when the student can return to training include: • The symptoms the student has. • The student's medical history. • The student's concussion history. • The student's medicine use. • The type of event, competition, training session. • The student's ability to stand and keep his or her balance. • The students' ability to pay attention and to answer questions that test learning and memory. • How quickly the student can solve problems. Doctors and other concussion specialists agree that a student must not return to training until symptoms are completely gone, both at rest and during exercise or exertion. Using medicine to improve concussion symptoms is not the same thing as being symptom-free. Medicines must be stopped before a student can be considered symptom-free. Children and teens have longer recovery times. So they may have to wait longer before they can return to training.

BTC Health and Safety Policy V6.0 Page 21 of 21 Dec 2023 The first treatment for a concussion is rest, both physical and mental. The return to training needs to occur in a gradual, step-by-step way:1 1. No activity. This means complete physical and mental rest. 2. Light Taekwondo activity. This can include exercise at less than 70% maximum heart rate. No resistance training is included in this step. 3. Taekwondo-specific exercise. This includes drills but no head impact. 4. Non-contact training drills. The student may also begin light resistance training. 5. Full contact practice ie competition. A medical professional must agree that the student is ready, then the student can participate in normal training. 6. Return to training. This is the final step and allows the student to join in normal Taekwondo activities The student must be symptom-free for 28 Days at the current level of activity before moving on to the next step. If one or more symptoms return, the student needs to go back to the previous level of activity with no symptoms for at least 28 Days before trying to do more. A doctor must always make the final decision about whether a student is ready to return to full-contact play. These general rules apply to return to training after a first concussion. After more than one concussion, the student will most likely need a longer recovery time. Because the risk for a second concussion is greatest within 10 days of the first concussion, it's very important to make sure the student is completely recovered before he or she returns to training. A second injury, even if it is not a head injury, could cause permanent brain damage or death. tel: 01895 459949 email: [email protected]