BTC Equity Policy v5

BTC Equity Booklet V5.0 Page 4 of 11 Dec 2023 5.3.4 Perceptive discrimination Where an individual is discriminated against or harassed based on a perception that they have a characteristic outlined above when they do not, in fact, have that characteristic (other than marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity). 5.3.5 Harassment Engaging in unwanted conduct relating to a relevant Protected Characteristic or unwanted conduct of a sexual nature where the conduct has the purpose or effect of violating the recipient's dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the recipient, or any other individual affected by such conduct. The BTC is committed to ensuring that its Stakeholders are able to conduct their activities free from harassment. 5.3.6 Third Party Harassment Third party harassment relates to actions carried out by non BTC individuals such as customers, clients, contractors etc. The BTC will investigate any report or complaint of third-party harassment and will take all reasonable steps to prevent it from happening again 5.3.7 Bullying The misuse of power or position to criticise persistently or to humiliate and undermine an individual's confidence. 5.3.8 Victimisation Subjecting someone to a detriment because he or she has in good faith taken action under the Equality Act 2010 (or equivalent legislation) by bringing proceedings, giving evidence or information in relation to proceedings, making an allegation that a person has contravened the Equality Act 2010 (or equivalent legislation) or doing any other thing for the purpose of or in connection with the Equality Act 2010 (or any equivalent legislation). 5.4 The BTC regards discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation, as described above, as serious misconduct. All complaints will be taken seriously and appropriate measures including disciplinary action, where applicable, may be brought against any Stakeholder who unlawfully discriminates against, harasses, bullies or victimises any other person. 6. REASONABLE ADJUSTMENT 6.1 When any decision is made about an individual, the only personal characteristics that may be taken into account are those that are consistent with any relevant legislation and are relevant to the substance of the decision being made. 6.2 The BTC recognises that it has a duty to make reasonable adjustments for persons with a disability. 6.3 The duty to make reasonable adjustments includes the removal, adaptation or alteration of physical features, if the physical features make it impossible or unreasonably difficult for people with protected characteristics to make use of services. In addition, when acting as a service provider, the BTC has an obligation to think ahead and address any barriers that may impede people with protected characteristics from accessing its services. 7. STUDENTS WITH A DISABILITY Working with partners, The British Taekwondo Council has produced an accessibility policy and plan for all its member clubs to adhere to which can be found in the Safeguarding Procedures published on the BTC website.