BTC Equity Policy v5

BTC Equity Booklet V5.0 Page 11 of 11 Dec 2023 Epilepsy The effects of epilepsy vary from person to person. Indeed, it is possible that a person with epilepsy may never have a seizure while training. In all cases, the person, their parents (where appropriate) and, where necessary, healthcare professionals should be consulted in the formulation of the individual healthcare plan and associated risk assessment. Instructors working with students with epilepsy should: • make themselves aware of the precise nature of each person’s needs with regard to epilepsy • be aware of the appropriate first-aid response, should it be required Epilepsy Research UK Epilepsy Action Hearing Impairment There are two main types of hearing loss. There is conductive hearing loss, which is a where sounds cannot pass through the outer or middle ear. This is often caused by a build-up of fluid, as in the case of glue ear. In most cases, conductive hearing loss is temporary. Such conditions can clear up or require surgery. The second type of hearing loss is sensorineural deafness, which is caused by a problem in the inner ear or auditory nerve. This is likely to be permanent. Instructors working with hearing-impaired students should: • get advice on the exact nature of the loss and how it affects the student • act appropriately on the advice received • give the student time to understand what is required of him/her • ensure the student can see the instructor and activity clearly • ensure they have eye contact with the student and his/her full attention before starting an activity or explanation • use gesture to encourage students • regularly check understanding • be aware of the need for a visual alternative to an auditory signal to stop either due to danger or during a game situation National Deaf Children’s Society Action on Hearing Loss UK