BTC Code of Conduct and Ethics Booklet V5.0 Page 28 of 33 Dec 2023 instructor/employee agrees, the agreed advocate may answer questions on their behalf as long as the accuracy of the responses are checked with the instructor/employee. 16 GRIEVANCES DURING THE DISCIPLINARY PROCESS Where, during the course of the disciplinary process, the employee raises a grievance connected to the disciplinary process, the grievance will be dealt with as part of the disciplinary process and will not be treated as a separate grievance under BTC’s grievance procedure. In some circumstances it may be appropriate to put the disciplinary on hold while the grievance is considered and a decision made. 17 DISCIPLINARY HEARINGS 17.1 The chair of the hearing will be an appropriate senior manager who has not had any involvement in the detail of the case or the investigation and is able to be objective and impartial. Where dismissal is a possible outcome the hearing will be chaired by an HMO member of the Senior Management Team. They may be supported by a HR advisor if appropriate. 17.2 Format for the hearing: The hearing officer will make appropriate introductions and describe the process. They will check that paperwork has been received and if the instructor/employee attends without a representative the manager will check that they understood their right to be accompanied and that they are ok to proceed. • The Investigating Officer will present the management case, summarising key aspects • The Investigating Officer will call any witnesses or highlight key points from witness statements and direct the Hearing Officer’s attention to any documents • The instructor/employee, their representative and the Hearing Officer will have the opportunity to ask questions of clarification of the Investigating Officer and any witnesses called • The instructor/employee will outline their case and call any witnesses; or refer to witness statements; and direct the Hearing Officer’s attention to any documents • The Investigating Officer and the Hearing Officer will have the opportunity to ask questions of clarification of the instructor/employee and any witnesses called by the instructor/employee • The Investigating Officer and the instructor/employee will sum up their respective cases. If at any point during the Hearing new evidence is introduced, the Hearing Officer will consider whether and how to consider this and an adjournment may be called to enable this information to be considered. However, there must be a genuine reason for the late submission of any new information. • The hearing will adjourn for the Hearing Officer to consider the evidence from all parties and determine what level of discipline sanction, if any, is appropriate. 18 CONFIRMATION OF THE OUTCOME OF THE DISCIPLINARY HEARING 18.1 The Hearing Officer may decide to inform the instructor/employee and their representative of the outcome of the hearing verbally. However, this is not always possible. In any case, the instructor/employee must always be notified of the outcome of