BTC Code of Conduct and Ethics V5

BTC Code of Conduct and Ethics Booklet V5.0 Page 17 of 33 Dec 2023 9 Second Stage – Final Written Improvement Warning 9.1 Monitoring and review period following a first improvement warning A performance monitoring and review period will follow the formal first written warning; the purpose of which is to monitor progress against the PIP and enable satisfactory improvement to be made. This will be conducted by the Head of the BTC Member Organisation or senior manager. Formal monitoring, evaluation, guidance and support will again be agreed and continue during this period. The PIP will be updated. 9.2 Formal review meeting A formal review meeting will be conducted by the HMO or senior manager following the monitoring and review period. 9.3 If there has been improvement the manager may confirm that the formal process has been satisfactorily concluded. However, they should be clear that if further issues arise then the process may begin at Stage 3. If there has been some improvement the manager may agree an extension to the review period under Stage 2 depending on the circumstances. 9.4 If the employee has received a written Improvement warning and their performance remains unsatisfactory and there are no significant mitigating circumstances, then they may be issued with a final Improvement warning as at stage 1 the warning will remain “live” for future performance purposes for 6 – 12 months, depending on the circumstances. The exact time period will be confirmed in writing to you along with your right to appeal. The outcome must be confirmed in writing within 5 working days including follow up actions, training and support and the potential consequences of a failure to make or sustain improvements. 10 STAGE 3 – FINAL STAGE 10.1 Monitoring and review period following a final improvement notification A performance monitoring and review period will follow the formal Stage 2; the purpose of which is to review performance, the steps that have been put in place to assist improvement and to give a final opportunity for improvement to be made. This will be conducted by the Head of the BTC Member Organisation or senior manager. Formal monitoring, evaluation, guidance and support based on dialogue between the employee and their line manager will again be agreed and continue during this period. The PIP will be updated. 10.2 If there has been improvement the manager may confirm that the formal process has been satisfactorily concluded. However, they should be clear that if further issues arise then the process may begin at Stage 3. If there has been some improvement the manager may agree an extension to the review period under Stage 3 depending on the circumstances. 10.3 If insufficient improvement has been made during the monitoring and review period then a Stage 3 (Final Stage) Hearing shall be convened. It should be made clear to the employee that a Stage 3 Hearing may result in their dismissal. 10.4 Stage 3 (final stage) hearing – Conducted by an appropriate independent senior manager with authority to dismiss