BTC Code of Conduct and Ethics V5

BTC Code of Conduct and Ethics Booklet V5.0 Page 11 of 33 Dec 2023 4. Why information is held 4.1 Most information held by BTC relates to member organisations or individuals which are in membership or fund them. 4.2 Information is kept to enable BTC to undertake all duties associated with its role as the National Governing Body for Taekwondo in the UK, including DBS/PVG/AccessNI Scheme information. 4.3 BTC has a role in putting people in touch with voluntary and community organisations and keeps contact details which are passed on to any enquirer, except where the member organisation expressly requests that the details remain confidential. 4.4 Information about students is given to the relevant member organisation and to no one else. 4.5 Information about ethnicity and disability of users is kept for the purposes of monitoring our Equity Policy and also for reporting back to funders. This data is normally anonymised. 5. Access to information 5.1 Information is confidential to BTC as an organisation and may be shared with member organisations to ensure the best quality service for members. 5.2 Where information is sensitive, ie it involves disputes or legal issues; it will be confidential to the officers dealing with the case. Such information should be clearly labelled ‘Confidential’ and should state the names of the officers entitled to access the information and the name of the individual or group who may request access to the information. 5.3 Officers, instructors/coaches and volunteers will not withhold information from their line manager unless it is purely personal. 5.4 Officers, instructors/coaches and volunteers may have sight of their personal records by giving 40 days’ notice in writing to the Chair. BTC reserve the right to charge £10 for such requests. 5.5 When photocopying or working on confidential documents, staff/officers must ensure they are not accidentally seen by others. This also applies to information on computer screens. 6. Storing information 6.1 General non-confidential information about associations is kept in unlocked filing cabinets or electronic files with open access to all BTC officers. 6.1 Information about volunteers, students and other individuals will be kept in lockable filing cabinets by the officer directly responsible. The use of passwords is required for such information held electronically. These officers must ensure line managers know how to gain access. 6.2 Officers and instructors’/coaches’ personal information will be kept in accordance with DBS/PVG/AccessNI Scheme requirements, in lockable filing cabinets or password protected electronic files accessed only by authorised officers. 6.3 Files or filing cabinet drawers bearing confidential information should be labelled ‘confidential’. Electronic files should be password protected.